Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Small deviation from the original plan

We recently found out that some friends of ours were embarking on their own journey at a similar time and would possibly be in Bangkok in early November. We had planned to fly to Bangkok late October and go directly into Cambodia in order to prevent too much time being spent there, as we intend to return to Europe from Bangkok, that is where we will end the trip. In order to spend a night or two with these travelling comrades we have decided to compromise a bit and go into South Thailand as soon as we arrive in Bangkok. This is logical because this way South Thailand will be explored by the time we enter Northern Thailand from Laos and this way we can return briefly to Bangkok to meet the Bakkelsisbeljur before going west to Cambodia.

But like with many things, nothing has yet been concretely decided. However the trip is looking juicier and more exciting every single day!

Reporting from the Asphalt production Site in Reykjavík
